Good morning and Happy Mother%26#39;s Day to all!!
Ok- so back to my report- Thurs morning I%26#39;m up and dressed by 6:45-yikes! Still on east coast time and I just have waaay too much to see and do to sleep in- sorry DH- up and at %26#39;em!!
We went down to the cafe and had a hearty breakfast- seems I need to eat alot more in Vegas than home- saw a favorite waitress of ours and caught up on Vegas news-then I hit the machines for awhile while DH went up to the room to take care of some work on his laptop for his partner- (the price of owning your own business)
Registration for the tournament started in the morning- I got on line and picked my session times and my free gift- took the small Japanese style tea set in a wicker basket- my future D-I-L would love it- they were shipping it home to me too so no need to worry-
The tourny started Fri morning so we had a free day- I decided to actually go and sit by the pool for awhile- it was very nice- DH took a ride out to the Carroll Shelby facility- I have been there before so I passed on it- he was on a mission anyway-
By mid afternoon we were back together- had a great lunch and decided to go over to NYNY for a little while- yeah it still looked the same-lost a few dollars so decided to head back to the MC-
I was still coming up with a few new ideas for my hat for the tournament- went next door to the CVS_ got some fake money -some other things and decided to work on my hat a bit more- after all I wanted to WIN!
The rest of Thurs we just played and relaxed- I also touched base with my host- needed his big bear hug for some luck! I don%26#39;t care what anyone says about hosts- ours is terrific! He walked me over to the MVP desk- seems there was an offer of $125 in free play that he felt I should have even though it was during the free tourny offer- (perhaps it was supposed to be one or the other-) anyway- I got the free play no problem. Nice dinner, some drinks, and back up to the room about 1-I needed my rest for the tournament!
Fri morning after breakfast I went to the pool for awhile.Then, I went for my first of three rounds at 1pm- I pushed the button for all it was worth but only got a total of three ';jackpots';- needless to say I was NOT a high scorer that round
Played in the casino for awhile-didn%26#39;t do too well- seems none of my fav machines were cooperating- lost a few hundred way too fast-
Round 2 was at 3:30- I did alot better but so did alot of other players- hmmmm- I guess I better count on winning the hat contest!
More food, , more play, and then off to bed- Sat was the final round at 10am and then the banquet luncheon at 2 which is when the hat contest would take place-OH yeah! My hat looked GOOD!!
Oh- other things- yes, the concierge club reopned and was very nice- a much more classy look- a familiar waiter,Ray, was there and made sure everything ran smoothly- top shelf liquor, cheeses,wines, hot appetizers, fruit was availabel during happy hour- continental breakfast and light lunch fare at other times- we liked going up for an afternoon snack and drink each day.
Trip report -part 2-gearing up for the hat contest!! SAY the hat looked good....then maybe describe it to us so we can root for you before you%26#39;re judged!
Trip report -part 2-gearing up for the hat contest!!
Think some kind of hat with Monopoly money attached to it.
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