Thinking about a trip to Vegas this summer, and wondering where are the best pools and pool bards on the strip, or at least in walking distance.
I have not been to Vegas since the late 70%26#39;s, so this will be a treat for me, but my Husband was there 5 years ago.
Would love to go to see the all new hotels and resorts. I am not a gambler at all, but I heard there is plenty to see and do, without gambling!
Looking for Best pool and pool bars in vegas????
what do you mean by ';best'; this is subjective, give us a few details. I like the Wynn and the concierge pool at venetian - serene, beautiful setting and next to Bouchon for delivery. I do not like Flamingo while many do. So many choices - they are all ';best'; if you and your companions are there.
Looking for Best pool and pool bars in vegas???? Gives unbiased information on the different pools.
Maybe I should rephrase that!!
From looking at all the hotel websites, they all look gorgeous, but I am just looking the most tropical and fun pools/pool bars there. Any particular one that stands out or is active and fun with live bands, etc.
The Mandalay Bay wave pool, MGM%26#39;s Lazy River, and the Mirage are my favorite pool scenes. As for outdoor live bands at the pools? I%26#39;ve never seen or heard about it in Vegas.
Remember that Vegas pools are for that hotel%26#39;s residents only (other than special events that you can buy tickets for like the parties at Flamingo and Hard Rock or concerts at Mandalay Bay).
The better pools tend to be strict about checking room keys (especially at busy times), so if you were thinking of doing a %26#39;tour%26#39; of Vegas pools you may well end up disappointed.
If you want fun and happening pools, then Mirage and Flamingo pools have this as does MB and MGM. If you want beautiful, then try Caesar%26#39;s, Bellagio or Wynn pools.
If you want really crazy and fun, hit Hard Rock on a Sunday for Rehab or Palms on Friday for Ditch Fridays. Live music, and lots of craziness. For a fun, tropical pool, you could check out Mirage, which is one of my favorites. Also, I know Flamingo used to have live music, and the pool is pretty good. Mandalay has too many kids for my taste.
Thinking about it louise71594 (without sounding rude), if you were last in Vegas in the late 70s, you%26#39;d probably feel REALLY old at the pool if you went to Palms or Hard Rock.......:-)
Yep, the last time I set foot on vegas soil was late 70%26#39;s, and I am now 40+ years of age. Although the Palms looks like a nice hotel, the last thing I want is to be around a 20++ party atmosphere! Not that is anything wrong with that, but just not my taste anymore.
I am still looking at different hotels, there are so many to choose from!!!!!
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