Here is the situation, this is my first time going to Vegas, and I%26#39;m going with my fiance to get married. I want to stay near the middle of everything, so we don%26#39;t have to walk so far. I also want a nice room and place with a nice pool.
This is for five nights June 6, - June 11, the prices listed below are with air and hotel.
We can stay at the caesars palace (Basic room) for 1720
We can stay at the Wynn (basic room) for 1870
Is the Wynn worth the extra money and will we have a better time there. I was also looking at getting hitched in a Helicopter above the city anyone have any advice on that? Any comments welcome. Thanks,
Should I do Caesars Palace or the WynnThe standard room at Wynn is sooooooooooo much nicer than the standard room at Caesars this is a no-brainer. If you could get an Augustus Tower room at Caesars than that would be different, those rooms are almost as nice as Wynn%26#39;s and the location is much better. But when comparing standard rooms, Wynn comes out ahead in every way but location.
Should I do Caesars Palace or the WynnThe Mirage has a deal going on Air %26amp; Hotel for $1560.60
I will book one of these hotels on Monday, just hope to get some good advice on here from people who have been and know about these places. Thanks,
Thanks for the info, is there anyway to request the Augustus Tower at the Caesars? Knowing before I leave that I will get that room?
The Augustus Tower is considered an upgrade. On the Caesars website you can book a Classic Room, a Palace Tower room, or an Augustus Tower room (Palace Tower and Augustus Tower rooms often run more than a resort room at Wynn FYI) on third party websites they usually call it a Deluxe room. I%26#39;ve stayed at Caesars and Wynn and I got much better service at Wynn but I loved the view I got at Caesars. Mirage would definately be better than a standard room at Caesars but Wynn is still better.
JackandSally have it exactly correct...
I%26#39;m no expert, but I spent some time walking around and checking out Caesars Palace when I went to Vegas. I%26#39;m here to tell you that place really is something else. I couldn%26#39;t help but wonder what it would be like to stay there. It is very luxurious and a real feast for the eyes. I only passed the Wynn from the outside, but it appears to be a more sterile type of place. It doesn%26#39;t seem to have nearly the flavor or personality that Caesars does. Couldn%26#39;t tell you about the rooms, but I%26#39;ve heard that most of the rooms in that part of the strip are comparable.
I%26#39;m with JackandSally. Stay at the Wynn. If you want to save some money, book the Mirage (actually my favorite property overall of places I have stayed) in a room with a view. It%26#39;s certianly not as nice as the Wynn, but it%26#39;s a very nice property in an awesome location.
CP is one of the few places I haven%26#39;t stayed on the strip, and I had a CP classic (basic) room booked for my upcomming trip for the steal of a price at $120 night, but after asking about it here at TA, I changed my ressie. The rooms are very bland and basic, like any hotel room in any city. Then I found out some of the rooms actually have a murphy bed--you know, the bed that pulls from the wall? A plain room was unattractive enough, the thought of *maybe* getting a murphy bed was the deal breaker. I want a little more style in my Vegas room than just average. I decided that even at such a low CP rate, it wasn%26#39;t worth it to me.
Congratulations on you wedding. If you stay at the Wynn, you%26#39;ll really have a fabulous time--no question.
Wynn should be the choice over Caesars. Don%26#39;t get me wrong, Caesars is very nice, but the Wynn is so much better.
Can%26#39;t say which is better for you but....
If you get augustus at caesars the rooms are close. The basic Wynn rooms are FAR better than caesars basic rooms.
Wynn is more relaxed and reserved.
Caesars is more fun and has a better location.
Depends COMPLETELY what your looking for.
The Wynn is a darn fine hotel, but Caeasars has the slightly better location.
I heard that the Wynn has a heli pad on the hotel??
Contact them to make sure and your plans of getting hitched.
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